
As members of the ADR Section, you are invited to participate in the planning and conversation that helps shape and influence the nature of our section. One avenue of participation is through our committees. Below is the list of committees from which to choose. Hopefully, one will strike an interest!

Please contact the Chair or any Council Member to sign up. Also, if you would like to see the Section get involved in a project, please send us an email. The list of council members with corresponding email addresses can be found under the “The Section” link – “Officers.”

Nominating Committee – recruits energetic candidates to serve on the Council and as officers of the Council.

CLE Program Committee – plans, proposes topics and speakers for Council approval, coordinates with the State Bar, and leads the section’s stand-alone CLE program.

Frank G. Evans Award Committee – solicits nominations based on the criteria established for this award; presents list of finalists for Council approval by the Spring Council meeting of any year in which the award will be presented at the annual meeting; drafts article on award recipient for summer newsletter.

State Bar of Texas

Alternative Dispute Resolution Section

Committee Charges – July 2011

Nominating Committee (see Section Bylaws)

Composition: The Chair of the Nominating Committee will be the Immediate-Past Chair of the Section. The Chair of the Section will appoint four additional committee members from the Council. One of the committee members may be a public member and one may be an ex-officio member. All appointments to the Nominating Committee must be made not less than ninety days prior to the next annual meeting.

Charge: The Nominating Committee is charged with the following action items.

  • The Nominating Committee will make nominations for the offices of Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate-Past Chair of the Section. In addition, the Nominating Committee will make nominations for new Council members to succeed current members whose terms will expire at the end of the annual meeting and to fill terms left vacant.
  • The Nominating Committee will contact all individuals nominated for offices or for Council membership to secure permission of the nominees for the nominations.
  • The Nominating Committee, through its Chair, will present its slate of candidates to the Council for approval at the Third Quarter meeting (usually held in April).
  • Upon approval of the Council, the Chair of the Section will give notice of the nominations to the entire membership no less than thirty days prior to the annual meeting and the election. Notice is customarily published in the Section newsletter.
  • Following approval of the Council of the nominees, the Chair of the Nominating Committee will assign members of the Nominating Committee to contact the approved nominees, inform them of the Council’s action, provide them with information regarding the date and times for the annual meeting of the Section and the First Quarter meeting of the Council.
  • The Chair of the Nominating Committee will present the slate of nominees at the annual meeting.

Annual CLE Program Committee

Composition: The Chair of the Annual CLE Program Committee is appointed by the Chair of the Section. The size of the Annual CLE Program Committee is determined by its Chair, who also selects its members. It is recommended that the Committee be comprised of at least three members, including its Chair. Committee Chairs are encouraged to recruit committee members from the Section at-large, in addition to including Council members.

Charge: The Annual CLE Program Committee is charged with the following action items.

  • The Annual CLE Program Committee will be responsible for the development and implementation of the Section’s annual continuing legal education program.
  • The Annual CLE Program Committee will work closely with the State Bar’s CLE Office in setting dates and locations for the event.
  • In the past, the ability to retain certain speakers has required that the Section contributes to the speakers’ fees. The Annual CLE Program Committee will present its recommendation(s) for paying such fees to the Council for approval.

Justice Frank G. Evans Award Committee

Composition: The Chair of the Evans Award Committee is appointed by the Chair of the Section. In addition to the Chair of the committee, the Chair of the Section will appoint four members of the Council to serve.

Charge: The Evans Award Committee is charged with the following action items.

  • The Evans Award Committee will solicit nominations for the Evans Award. No more than two awards may be awarded annually. The Committee will provide nomination forms to members of the Council and to other non-State Bar ADR associations. The Committee will publish the nomination form in the Section newsletter (preferably the Fall edition).
  • Nominations received are active for a period of two years. The Evans Award Committee will be responsible for carrying forward nominations of individuals who were not selected to the next year’s Evans Award Committee.
  • The Evans Award Committee will coordinate and participate in the presentation of the Justice Frank G. Evans Award during the annual meeting of the Section, including selection and procurement of the physical award to be presented.
  • The Evans Award Committee will provide a news story/press release to the Co-Editors of the Section Newsletter for inclusion in the next published edition.