
Welcome to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
of the State Bar of Texas

Our Mission:
To educate the public about ADR including being a resource to questions from
practitioners and legislators about the proper role of alternative dispute resolution in our society.


Advanced Alternative Disputes Resolution Course
Friday, January 10, 2025

AUSTIN – Live Presentation
Texas Law Center (512-427-1574)
CAN’T MAKE IT TO AUSTIN? Watch from your computer or mobile device!
Register via Texasbar.com


Mediation Training

40-Hour Mediation Training Live-Online, Conroe, Texas, June 3-4, 9-11, 2021, Dispute Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Inc., SBOT MCLE Approved—38 Hours, 4 Ethics. Exceeds the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable and Texas Mediator Credentialing Association training requirements. Contact Information: 936-760-6914, mediate@mctx.org, www.resolution-center.org/mediation-training/general-mediation-training/

Mental Health and Mediation: Promoting the Well-Being of Disputants. Online, sponsored by the Office of Dispute Resolution for Lubbock County and developed in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts. July 27-29, 2021, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Contact information: 806-775-1720, odr@lubbockcounty.gov, online registration here.

40-Hour Mediation Training, San Marcos, Texas (Online), August 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14, 2021, Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center, SBOT MCLE Pending—40 Hours, 4 Ethics. Meets the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable and Texas Mediator Credentialing Association training requirements. Contact Information: 512-878-0382, office@centexdrc.org, http://centexdrc.org/Information/Training/Default.aspx